Human Body Needs Some Essential Minerals
Calcium Adults need 1000 mg/day. Children need 800 to 1300 mg/day. Recommended supplement: Coral Calcium Supreme Facts -Calcium eases insomnia and helps regulate the passage of nutrients through cell walls. Without calcium, your muscles wouldn't contract correctly, your blood wouldn't clot and your nerves wouldn't carry messages. If you don't get enough calcium from the food you eat, your body automatically takes the calcium needed from your bones. If your body continues to tear down more bone than it replaces over a period of years in order to get sufficient calcium, your bones will become weak and break easily. Deficiency may result in muscle spasms and cramps in the short term and osteoporosis. Calcium is essential to almost every function in the body. For most of these, such as blood clotting, intracellular signaling, muscle contraction, only trace amounts are needed. However, large amounts of calcium are needed to make bone ...