Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), Part - 2
We will see different
CMMI Models called Disciplines. We will tell you how to choose a CMMI model for
your organization.
CMMI Models -
The CMM Integration is a
model that has integrated several disciplines / bodies of knowledge. Currently
there are four bodies of knowledge available to you when selecting a CMMI model.
Systems engineering
Systems engineering
covers the development of total systems, which may or may not include software.
Systems engineers focus on transforming customer needs, expectations, and
constraints into product solutions and supporting these product solutions
throughout the entire lifecycle of the product.
Software engineering
Software engineering
covers the development of software systems. Software engineers focus on the
application of systematic, disciplined, and quantifiable approaches to the
development, operation, and maintenance of software.
Integrated Product and
Process Development (IPPD):
Integrated Product and
Process Development is a systematic approach that achieves a timely
collaboration of relevant stakeholders throughout the life of the product to
better satisfy customer needs, expectations, and requirements. The processes to
support an IPPD approach are integrated with the other processes in the
If a project or
organization chooses IPPD, it performs the IPPD best practices concurrently
with other best practices used to produce products (e.g., those related to
systems engineering). That is, if an organization or project wishes to use
IPPD, it must select one or more disciplines in addition to IPPD.
Supplier sourcing (SS):
As work efforts become
more complex, project managers may use suppliers to perform functions or add
modifications to products that are specifically needed by the project. When
those activities are critical, the project benefits from enhanced source
analysis and from monitoring supplier activities before product delivery. Under
these circumstances, the supplier sourcing discipline covers the acquisition of
products from suppliers
Similar to IPPD best
practices, supplier sourcing best practices must be selected in conjunction
with best practices used to produce products.
CMMI Discipline
Selecting a disciplines may be a difficult step and depends on
what an organization wants to improve.
- If you are improving your
systems engineering processes, like Configuration Management, Measurement
and Analysis, Organizational Process Focus, Project Monitoring and
Control, Process and Product Quality Assurance, Risk Management, Supplier
Agreement Management etc. then you should select Systems engineering (SE)
discipline. The discipline amplifications for systems engineering receive
special emphasis.
- If you are improving your
software engineering processes, like Configuration Management, Measurement
and Analysis, Organizational Process Focus, Project Monitoring and
Control, Process and Product Quality Assurance, Risk Management, Supplier
Agreement Management etc. then you should select Systems engineering (SE)
discipline. The discipline amplifications for software engineering receive
special emphasis
- If you are improving your
integrated product and process development processes like Integrated
Teaming, Organizational Environment for Integration, then you should
select IPPD. The discipline amplifications for IPPD receive special
- If you are improving your
source selection processes like Integrated Supplier Management then you
should select Supplier sourcing (SS). The discipline amplifications for
supplier sourcing receive special emphasis.
- If you are improving multiple
disciplines, then you need to work on all the areas related to those
disciplines and pay attention to all of the discipline amplifications for
those disciplines.
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